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by 78777ПесняПесня
минимум три словаGuano Apes - You Can't Stop Me
Someone is coming out to see the light of our destination
a maniac neurotic fool who wants to jump off the isle
how can you know that I'm the one
who lives the maddest vacation
another road another trial
where's the difference
tell me right
You can’t stop me
I love the world with all its lies
You can’t stop me
I’m close enough to kiss the sky
keep it to myself
keep it to myself
Why are you coming out to see the road of last destination
I won't look back for the shadows
they're growing up to me
we're trapped in this song
so we leave them to head our salvation
Another you another me
where's the difference
tell it to me
You can’t stop me
I love the world with all its lies
You can’t stop me
I’m close enough to kiss the sky
keep it to myself
keep it to myself
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